Monday, September 16, 2024

No Taboo Phone Sex with Bunny, A Date with Your Daughter Part 2

 Your POV:

For someone as purportedly intelligent as my ex-wife, she had acted foolishly during this round, game, or whatever, most likely out of jealousy combined with disgust or phony moral outrage. She despised not having a man under her thumb... or did she? Perhaps she understood I was attractive to females my age, and her sex appeal was narrower. She was definitely in MILF/cougar area, but in some circles, that was considered a fetish or kink. Sure, it was popular, but she realized her dating possibilities were limited compared to before. This may make her famous or notorious, but it would probably be bad for her legal welfare.

After that date with my daughter, which was fairly normal until a few drinks, it was clear that my ex-wife wanted to tell me something.

When I hung up the phone on her and walked away from the screen, she gave me another FaceTime request. I responded, and she chuckled, despite her obvious embarrassment about the sex tape she had just sent me. Her face was red, and I saw that she was still naked. I wasn't sure if she threw up her son's jizz or not, but the way he appeared behind her indicated that she had a grasp on him. She then dragged him into a deep-tongued kiss, which I of course recorded.

"Two can play that game, as you can see. Do you want to diddle our daughters? I can make sweet love to my son. You like incest... fair enough... so do I. I've probably been reading the same writers online as you, well, maybe not all of the same. Now we both have our own dark secrets of taboo or forbidden love affairs. By the way, did Bunny's tight pussy make up for her smaller bust? I heard that you went bareback in her... I hope that there's no baby from that. It could get awkward if there is," She smiled triumphantly as if she won some unexpected victory over me.

That's when it struck me. My ex-wife tried to make me jealous... Maybe it was a projection, and she was jealous of herself. Why else would she be upset by the thought of darling Bunny's "tight pussy," as she described it? Why would she compare Bunny's best feature to her own? Her breasts? Well, granted, my ex was somewhat... Busty, and had been for years. Why would she still be envious after all these years? She didn't still have a flame for me after all these years, even though she cheated on me.

"Nice to hear from you, too, honey," I told her abruptly and dismissively as I hung up.

She tried to get me back on there, but I was not interested. I wasn't sure if this was a one-time occurrence aimed at getting under my skin, but I knew she was putting herself in a lot greater danger with her activities than I was with what happened accidentally last night. I was aware that there was a legal risk. I knew that if she had done this merely to fuck with me, her son would feel manipulated, duped, exploited, or whatever. Personally, I considered that the terms "exploitation" and "objectification" signified something unavoidable in life and human relationships. Even so, others could feel that way, or at least be persuaded and deceived, even Brian, my ex-wife's only son.

That was when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it out of curiosity, and to my surprise, all three of my daughters burst through it. Wait, how did they get here so fast? Did they use Uber or something? Do they have the funds for this? They presumably would have pooled them and relied on me for the return trip. I instinctively hugged and kissed all three of them just as one of them responded to my ex-wife's next effort to reach me.

"Oh, hi, Mom," Bunny told her mother, who turned pale as she realized that she was standing naked with her son in front of his sisters, "Hi, Brian. How's sex with Mom? How does Brian compare to Daddy and Mom? In bed, I mean. Do you enjoy incest?"

"Bunny... I... I... um," Mom stammered before blurting, "you did it first, you with your father!"

"You cheated first and made Brian. I guess that gets Daddy off the hook for his own affairs," Bunny retorted without either confirming or denying her mother's accusations.

"Um... oh, look... I just wanted your father to see how... sickening and wrong it was... the incest. That was all. Brian was only too happy to help illustrate my point, good boy that he is," my ex was visibly flustered, of course, defending her actions towards her daughter.

"So, by that logic, Daddy was just showing you how bad adultery is and letting you feel his pain, to force you to feel empathy and understand why your infidelity hurt him so much. Or maybe you just had it coming... and it was just revenge. A nice little bit of justification there. Nice little fig leaf to cover your ass, Mom," Bunny replied.

"Yes, and I'm sure that the teenage boy living with his mother isn't at all motivated by Oedipal lust or anything of the sort. It was all an altruistic part of an act to drive home a point by his mother, that was all. Getting his mother to take his oral cherry had nothing to do with it. You swallowed, too!" I chuckled now.

Brian blushed a bit before I had mercy on him, "Sorry, kid. I wasn't trying to belittle you. You're just a healthy, red-blooded teenage boy, a virgin from the sound of it. You're just being you. You don't have to explain. Hot cougar action, the heat of a forbidden romance, very taboo, very naughty or illegal, or whatever. It's hard to resist, for whatever reason she gives you. The truth is that she did want to fuck with me... but she doesn't want to admit the fact that she chose a very specific way to do it... for a reason."

"Yeah, little brother... face facts... Mom was twisting you around a bit... but Mom, you need to face the facts, too... you got the hots for our brother, at least a little. He wasn't so repulsive that you went out to find someone else... oh, wait, there are only so many guys with whom she could commit a similar type of incest. None of that would be illegal, like what Mom did with you. It turns out that, here in Ohio, it's only criminal incest if committed between a parent and his or her offspring. That's you two," Melody added in her own two cents.

"Look, Mom, Brian, we love both of you, but I don't like being lied to, manipulated, turned into pawns with which you can hurt Daddy... none of that. Yes, we're close to our father. Why not? He's an awesome guy. No, not perfect, but he's amazing... lovable... and just plain great! He's smart, he's handsome, he's successful, you could go on... and you lost him by cheating on him."

"We were too young to understand the details back then... we just knew that you hurt Daddy, that much was clear back then, and that he left because you hurt him. We could see the pain in his eyes. We could see the pain, the anger, the sadness in him. He just wasn't as happy as he used to be. We figured it out, especially me, as the eldest."

"We knew that Brian was a good baby and that it wasn't his fault. It was Mommy's fault and that she did something bad around the same time that hurt Daddy," Bunny read her mother the Riot Act for once.

"Well, I know that I screwed up, okay? I tried to believe that it was justified somehow, that I was a special case. Sometimes, I still catch myself feeling that way, and every time that I feel morally superior and all that... something happens that knocks me down off my pedestal. Even so, I still felt that I could have been punished, Simon could have done his thing, spread his seed, or whatever, and then we could have reconciled... and he could have claimed Brian as his own. I didn't think it was right to punish him for what I did," My ex stood there, hot, sweaty, and naked, while whining about the fact that I didn't take her back.

"Yeah, nothing against Brian, but I thought that he should have a relationship with his own father, not with me. I wasn't going to let another man duck his job. He had to take his lumps, too. But you didn't let that happen, did you? You never let him have a relationship with you, though I admit that he could have fought for it. He was probably a married man with other kids. I figured that there was no other way that would happen. You wanted him to leave his wife for you, at least when we divorced, but he didn't, so you punished Brian yourself by denying his father to punish the baby daddy." I flipped the script pretty easily, making it clear that I wasn't the one punishing an innocent boy.

Brian glanced at his mother in horror as he heard that section, something definitely clicking in a way that indicated he was not stupid, but rather ignorant, weak, and naive. He then inspected her again in a way that surprised everyone, rolled her over onto her tummy, and went inside her before she could say anything. He began aggressively slapping her face as he grabbed her from behind, fucking his own mother while being recorded on Skype. The fact that she did not even try to fight him was quite telling.

Of course, I recorded every minute of this deed in case I needed it later. That a small, skinny, zit-faced teenager could sexually dominate and penetrate his mother, who was in astonishingly good form, told me something. It spoke volumes about their relationship. My ex had miscalculated by believing that he was merely a frightened pawn under her complete control. Oh, I did not doubt that she would regain some control and manipulate him in some way, but Brian had the upper hand for the time being.

As we watched, Bunny grabbed me, unbuttoned my pants, tagged her sisters, requested their assistance, and continued undressing me. They then disrobed in front of me, together with their mother and brother. At that time, each girl took a turn sitting on my lap and planting her pussy on my dick. Bunny was first, of course, to impale herself on my cock. She did not bleed, so she was most likely not a virgin, but she was certainly tight enough... Tighter than her sister if I had to estimate.

"See, Mom... we love Daddy the same way that you love Brian! Oh, fuck, Daddy!" Bunny shouted as I slid my finger up her anus to play with her asshole, "Daddy's finger's up my ass, up my ass... Daddy's finger's up my ass, my sweet Mama!"

Yes, Bunny sang it to the tune of "London Bridge," which was quite insane. She kissed me hard as we made love, fucked, or whatever, groaning loudly between kisses as we indulged in father-daughter incest. Her mouth was extremely hot and slick as her tongue connected with mine. My BunBun and I had a wonderfully delicious time, to put it kindly.

Just then, we saw Brian lose himself inside his own mother, who then creamed herself, stood, and slapped him in the face. He remained there stunned from the smack until she smirked at him, then at me, and drew him in for a passionate tongue kiss. She repositioned his hands on her reddened buns and placed her own on his. She smacked his ass briefly as they made out, leaving clear evidence of criminal incest under Ohio law.

Bunny had squeezed the cum out of my balls through my cock by now, groaning and creaming herself before climbing off my lap and licking my finger directly from her ass. "I've done it now," I told myself. We had no leverage over each other by this point. It was mutually guaranteed destruction. If my ex-wife tried to use this against me, I'd have plenty to use against her, and vice versa, albeit Brian's living circumstances might work against her. However, the law was generally more forgiving toward female sex offenders than males.

We both knew it was a wash, even as Becca handed me a blue pill and a fountain drink, which was very likely hers. I swallowed it, and she grinned as she started riding me. She also made it clear that she wanted me to finger her buttocks too. She began to moan with delight as she felt my finger and dick move inside her. She kissed my face and neck frequently while attempting to persuade me to bottom out inside her wet cunt.

"Do me again, Brian... do what you want to me... do Mommy, good and hard!" My ex's face was purple with her lust, envy, jealousy, and frankly, her competitive streak as she offered her son a more sexual congress with her.

The sight of me fucking, and potentially breeding, our daughters affected my ex-wife on a basic level. Her response was clear: to commit incest with her kid, demonstrating that she didn't despise what I did out of moral qualms. It was just jealousy, jealousy, or something like that. The irony, of course, was that I didn't go as far with any of our females as she did with Brian.

As I emptied my balls via my cock within Becca, her moans, like her wetness, left no doubt. Melody put herself on my cock before I could even stand up. She kissed me several times, her sisters encouraging her as she rode me, my fingers running up her asshole even as she groaned and cussed in delight. She was in a wild and wanton mood, and I couldn't bring myself to resist because it benefited me. What was the true harm in this, anyway?

We did this while watching Brian put their mother through her paces, which was quite ridiculous. I never imagined this in my wildest dreams. Was this a pornographic dream or what? Nope. I pinched myself. It was happening. I was busy having incest with my youngest daughter while her younger half-brother had hard sex with their mother.

My three girls all kissed me hard on the mouth as I came inside Melody, and Brian did the same with his mother. My ex-wife then kissed her son on the lips, using a lot of tongues. Strangely, her demeanor softened as she blew me a kiss... and our daughters now. Perhaps she was addicted to her son's love or something. She appeared to be a different woman in terms of mood or temperament, at least for the time being. Brian reddened slightly and shrugged, clearly taking in and processing what had happened.

"Do you think that she'll still cause us trouble, Bunny? You've been around your mother more often lately than I have. What do you think? What about you, Becca, and Melody?" I asked the girls, all three of them kissing me in response, as my ex-wife disconnected from Skype herself this time.

"Maybe at times. She is who she is. But serious issues? No. What can she do? Accuse us of incest? Yeah, that's gonna take her down, too, and she loves her own skin... and her life, too much for that. Especially now that she's getting it on with our brother. She created a monster there. She can't put that genie back in the bottle, can she? Brian knows that she craves him and he craves her right back."

"He might be a bit pussywhipped at times, especially growing up under her like that, but there will be limits to that now. He can never quite be the same virginal wimp or spineless today that he used to be. I say that with no disrespect to him, but he was her creature and now he can never be quite the same again," Bunny, my firstborn, made her own thoughts known, and they made excellent sense.

The End

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